Teacher Substitution and Cancellation

Teachers at Fresh Yoga are occasionally out due to illness or travel. The following are substitutions for this month:


Friday December 29th 12 - 1 PM Erector Sq Heidi
Monday January 1st 6 - 7 Pm Erector Sq Sam

Special Events

Fresh occasionally needs to cancel regular classes to accommodate special workshops, and trainings. We balance the wonderful opportunity of hosting national teachers, with the needs of our loyal students. We recognize that unexpected change can be frustrating. We do try to minimize such changes, and to notify you via these emails as well as listing cancellations here. Feel free to call or email the studio if you are unsure about a particular class.
Thank you for your flexibility!

New Years Eve and New Years Day
These classes ARE happening at Erector Sq

New Years Eve Sunday December 31st
9:00 - 10:15 AM Yin Yoga (1-2) Heidi
10:30 - 11:45 AM Vinyasa (1-3) Kami

New Years Day Monday January 1st
10:30-11:45 AM Fresh Flow (1-3) Ashley F.
12:00 - 1:00 PM $5 Community Flow (1-2) Jess R.
5:00 - 6:15 PM Fresh Flow (1-3) Christine
6:00-7:00 PM Vinyasa (2) Ed

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Fresh Yoga New Haven Connecticut
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Fresh Yoga To Go
Live Streaming Video

Live-stream full-length Fresh Yoga classes of all levels. Classes have been recorded live in our studio and can be played from your phone, pad or computer! Fresh Live Streaming - Yoga To Go at freshyoga.studiolivetv.com.